The Most Effective Study Techniques


Many study methods allow students to remember concepts and make their exams a success. Not only are there mental maps, but there are also others that you can apply so that the time you spend studying is worthwhile.

Professionals from pathfinder preschool will explain in details below.

What are study techniques?

Study techniques help the person improve memory by really understanding the concepts being studied. These techniques are endorsed by specialists according to research.

Study techniques and learning strategies. Are they the same?

One could say, yes. Although the techniques used are the same, the strategies would also include a personalized plan to carry out the objectives.

Study and reading strategies, there are many, but today we will talk about those traditionally recognized and those studied by science.

Why are study techniques important?

Although we want to learn new things and advance in our studies, many times the texts that we have to memorize are difficult for us and we lose motivation.

This is one of the reasons why it is important to have a method that helps us organize and see medium and long-term goals.

What are the most effective study techniques?

Perform related exercises

It is about working from practice instead of from theory.

How do I put it into practice?

You can use mock exams or apply different exercises or questions. This will help you to remember long-term concepts.

In textbooks, this practice is used more and more, and the teacher should be an active part of this type of study technique.

How effective is it?

An Abbott study of more than 100 years of duration (since 1909) proves this idea with facts.

Students who are more likely to implement and finish exercises are notably better at executing final tests.

Distributed Practice

The worst thing you can do is leave studying for an exam until the last minute. The distributed practice holds that if we do and absorb a little each day, and even if we space study days for that particular test as much as possible, much will be gained in knowledge and confidence.

How to apply this?

It must be applied from the first day that the day of the exam is known. In a calendar, you should write down the days of the week that you will dedicate at least 1 hour of study to that subject. When you are close to the day of the exam, try to add 1 more hour of study.

How effective is it?

If there is one of the study techniques that work best, without a doubt, this is one of them.

Its effectiveness is beyond any doubt, both in long-term studies (the final tests) and "surprise" tests from one day to the next. Spacing out or distributing study hours as much as possible is key. And this applies to everyone.

Craft questions

It is the form of explanation in which you ask yourself why it is so.

Encourage to generate the questions that each one needs so that the answer is as individualized as possible.

How effective is it?

This technique is very effective to create personal responses and thus obtain a very firm anchor on the memory.

We especially like this method of study since it tries to stimulate memory in the most personal way. The more personal the question, the more it adjusts to the appropriate answer for everyone's understanding.

How do I apply the question framing technique?

The key is to ask yourself questions. Look for the why of things during the study process and the understanding will be yours.

Later find your answer based on what you studied and you will notice the form of understanding associated with this technique.

Students from eastmark high school mesa az apply different study techniques for their exams, choose yours too. 


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