How to stop bullying?

Statistics revealed by UNESCO indicate that 2 out of 10 children claim to have suffered some type of bullying either physically or verbally at school and 34% of children between 11 and 13 years old surveyed confirm that at least once in their life have been victims of bullying.

Bullying is, therefore, a reality of our current society. The culture of violence that is promoted by some media leads to these unpleasant situations. It is important to be attentive to possible cases that may occur in our schools, to avoid unwanted consequences.

In charter high schools in mesa az and in families, we must also promote a culture of non-violence, based on the values ​​of respect, tolerance, acceptance, collaboration and companionship. It is essential that all educational agents put our common efforts into action to fight against this problem.

What is bullying?

Bullying is an act of violence between minors that occurs in or out of school. Bullying encompasses different forms of violence, physical, verbal, psychological and social and its scope crosses the borders of time and space.

Insults, threats, social isolation, etc. generate a fear that causes a constant state of anxiety and can become a real torture for the victim.

How does bullying start?

Bullying in children begins little by little, almost without anyone noticing. At first, the bully does not have a plan to bully the other so they usually start with jokes.

Those first jokes are funny for the bullies, and little by little they grow, looking for new reactions in the bullied. The jokes in bad taste are true acts of violence and mistreatment and the life of the victim is real torture.

The roots of bullying in children

Why does bullying appear? To understand the reason for bullying, we have to go back to its beginnings. Innocent jokes are a form of bullying and this usually appears because children observe like adults often, we laugh at certain jokes. Children learn that teasing is a useful and socially acceptable resource.

As adults, we must condemn teasing, and act on bullying before it happens. We can use a sense of humor, and laugh but avoid making fun of others a resource for humor.

How to recognize bullying?

  • The kid has a lack of self-confidence.

  • Physical injuries usually appear (the victim tends to justify).

  • Loss or breakage of school or personal belongings on a frequent basis.

  • Major changes in behavior and mood. 

  • School performance decreases. 

  • He/she doesn't want to go to school.

  • Psychosomatic symptoms (vomiting, headache or stomach).

  • Nightmares appear, lack of sleep and changes in appetite.

How can we help to stop bullying?

By knowing the characteristics that make children vulnerable to bullying, we can encourage the development of strategies to prevent and deal with bullying. It is important to develop self-esteem and self-confidence to be able to confront potential bullies without fear. But it is essential to provide them with strategies to deal with social skills and to be able to solve conflicts.

Strategies to Help Victims of Bullying

  • Listen. Make them feel free to tell what they are experiencing.

  • Let them know that it is not their fault.

  • Give them your support, make them feel that they are not alone to solve it.

  • Be on the lookout for changes in behavior.

  • Work on their self-esteem and their security.

  • Make them see that you understand them. 

  • Explain that they shouldn't feel ashamed about this situation.

Strategies to help Bullies to stop

  • Develop their empathy.

  • Teach him to be social and the importance of rules.

  • Work on his social skills.

  • Talk to him and be an example for him.

  • Show him that success doesn't mean imposing yourself.

  • Teach him that aggression is a weakness.

  • Set clear rules and exercise discipline.

  • Don't let him do whatever he wants. 

We both, parents and school institutions need to work together to stop the bullying.  


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