Ethical values in education
At our institution, we believe that educating goes far beyond imparting academic knowledge. Therefore, we instruct our students based on a series of ethical values in order to not only create better students, but also good people. We invite you to review with us, what are the ethical values in education and how they can influence the academic training of our students.
Teaching a child to fulfill her/his duties at home is essential to make him/her a responsible adult. However, in school responsibility must be a value imparted so that students learn about its importance, as well as the consequence of their actions, be they good or bad.
Respect begins when adults address children in the same way that they are expected to address others. That the child knows the rules and limits that must be respected is the beginning of the necessary moral process, i. e., distinguishing good and bad, yes from no, what he/she should and what he/she should not do, and act accordingly.
Learning this in his/her early years safely helps as an adult to control his/her character when the situation demands it and to respect the different points of view of others.
To lay the foundation for good academic, social, and personal development for any child, commitment is key. By understanding and applying this value, the student will be able to create much more solid and lasting interpersonal relationships. In addition, it strengthens the intention to get involved in objectives and projects that will allow them to achieve long-term goals.
This is one of the most important ethical values in education, since it prepares the student to how to live in society and to better understand diversity. Just as it is necessary to learn to recognize the differences between them, it is also important that children know how others think and feel, without judging and accepting them.
From a very young age, it is necessary for children to learn how to be grateful for both the big and the little things in life. This value must be reinforced daily, since it has been shown that throughout their lives, grateful people are much happier and optimistic.
The accompaniment in the construction of the will aims to ensure that children and adolescents are constant and tenacious, that they finish what they start, encouraging them to do all the things they can do alone, as well as to stop doing what does not suit them without tantrums or crying.
As in all accompaniments, it should not be forgotten that the example of significant adults is paramount, since adults also have a hard time doing and must put their will to be able to live together healthily.
"Share without receiving anything in return" A motto that must be repeated constantly, especially when you want to convey to a student. Turning generosity into pleasure will make children more comfortable doing good for others without expecting anything in return.
Regardless of whether we have made a mistake, we must be honest at all times. When it comes to our students, at Village high school we let them know that it is always best to tell the truth. This will help them gain the trust of those around them and feel better about themselves.
Ethical values are essential in the educational development of children. For that reason, at elementary school Show Low with the help of our teachers, education professionals and parents, we provide all the necessary tools to our students for their correct academic and moral formation since educating ethical values is preparing for life.
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