
Showing posts from January, 2022

How to stop bullying?

Statistics revealed by UNESCO indicate that 2 out of 10 children claim to have suffered some type of bullying either physically or verbally at school and 34% of children between 11 and 13 years old surveyed confirm that at least once in their life have been victims of bullying. Bullying is, therefore, a reality of our current society. The culture of violence that is promoted by some media leads to these unpleasant situations. It is important to be attentive to possible cases that may occur in our schools, to avoid unwanted consequences. In charter high schools in mesa az and in families, we must also promote a culture of non-violence, based on the values ​​of respect, tolerance, acceptance, collaboration and companionship. It is essential that all educational agents put our common efforts into action to fight against this problem. What is bullying? Bullying is an act of violence between minors that occurs in or out of school. Bullying encompasses different forms of violence, physical,

Ethical values in education

  At our institution, we believe that educating goes far beyond imparting academic knowledge. Therefore, we instruct our students based on a series of ethical values in order to not only create better students, but also good people. We invite you to review with us, what are the ethical values   in education and how they can influence the academic training of our students.   Responsibility Teaching a child to fulfill her/his duties at home is essential to make him/her a responsible adult. However, in school responsibility must be a value imparted so that students learn about its importance, as well as the consequence of their actions, be they good or bad.   Respect Respect begins when adults address children in the same way that they are expected to address others. That the child knows the rules and limits that must be respected is the beginning of the necessary moral process, i. e., distinguishing good and bad, yes from no, what he/she should and what he/she should not do, and act acco