What is the goal of inclusive education?

Quality education is one of the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. In this project, quality education is aimed at the most marginalized students who want to develop their potential but for certain reasons, do not have the means to do so. In this article, we want to tell you what inclusive education consists of, what its objectives are and how to apply it in the classroom.

According to UNESCO data, “more than 262 million children and young people are not in school. Six out of ten children have not yet acquired basic literacy and numeracy skills after several years of schooling. 750 million adults are illiterate, something that contributes to poverty and marginalization.” 

(Text from https://en.unesco.org/themes/education2030-sdg4

What is inclusive education?

Inclusive education tries to promote equal opportunities, provide a personalized education, promoting participation, solidarity and cooperation among students, improving the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of the educational system.

This educational plan aims to emphasize not only people who may have a physical disability but also to provide a quality education to students regardless of social status, religion or culture.

Some of the differences between the traditional approach to education and inclusive education are the following:

  • In the traditional approach, each student is diagnosed to determine a category and solve the deficit that exists, however, in inclusive education, the characteristics of each student are simply analyzed to determine the support that will be necessary.

  • The traditional approach focuses on the student, while the inclusive focus on the class.

In short, in inclusive education special programs are not used for certain students, but in the same classroom, the needs of each student are met.


In this sense, UNESCO understands that in inclusive education, students with special needs must have access to regular education schools, where they must be accommodated with pedagogical strategies focused on students, in a way that responds to their needs.

What are the goals of inclusive education?

As a consequence of what we have seen in the previous section, inclusive education has clear objectives that are as follows:

  • The social and academic inclusion of students since it is about including students, not marginalizing them from education.

  • The single educational system, that is, there should be no special programs for students who have certain needs.

  • Attention to all students according to their characteristics.

  • The promotion of equal opportunities based on solidarity and the promotion of participation.

  • The coordination of all the people who participate in education: parents, teachers, the media, etc.

  • The promotion of inclusion in all social and labor spheres.

How to work inclusively in the classroom?

Working inclusively in the classroom is one of the keys to quality education; some of the guidelines that can be followed are as follows:

  • Know the students. Teachers should take the time necessary to get to know the students, considering each person as an individual with their own particularities. 

  • Different evaluations. If learning is different, the way of evaluating should also be.

  • Proposals of the boys and girls. Inclusive education must bet on giving the initiative of the activities carried out in the classroom to the boys and girls, so that they are the ones who direct their own learning.

  • Measurable and challenging goals. Teachers should set goals that are difficult to achieve, that are challenging for students, but not impossible.

  • Application of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Howard Gardner argues that there is not a single type of intelligence, but rather there are several and in the classroom, it is necessary to assess each of these intelligence to enhance it.

At Eastmark high school Mesa az, we develop the intervention strategies and support measures necessary to detect and attend to the needs and personal characteristics of the students.


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