The importance of learning while playing at Eastmark high school
It can be ensured that the fundamental activity of the child is the game; it is essential for proper development, so the child must have enough time and space for it according to their age and play needs. In the game, the child involves all of her/his being (feelings, thoughts...), her/his practice serves to demonstrate and affirm her/his personality. He/she is totally absorbed in what for him/her is a serious activity. Psychologically, it is considered that on some occasions it has a cathartic function, since it can serve to release tension. Situations of everyday life are reproduced in the game, some of which may cause conflicts; then the child transfers them to his/her playful terrain and reaches the outcome that he/she would like in reality. The same type of game is different in each child, since it is not only determined by external conditions, but also by individual characteristics, which give it a particular stamp. The game allows three basic functions of psychic maturatio...