
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Importance Of Classroom Size For Learning

Overcrowded classes cause teachers to waste time imposing order, harm the most disadvantaged students and make it difficult to individualize teaching. Many public schools slightly exceed the charter school average with 22 students per class in Primary and 25 in Secondary. The situation has worsened in recent years in conventional public schools due to the lack of teachers. It is hardly talked about, but it is what affects the day to day in class the most. How many students are in a classroom or how many people does a teacher have to deal with every hour? Although it is the most visible part of this quantitative variable, it is not the only one. There are others, less obvious, but also important: how many exams the teacher has to correct or how many families he/she has to interact with within each classroom? The ratios determine how far the attention to the students can be individualized. Classroom size matters, and not only in the performance of the students, but also in the course of

The Importance Of Counseling At Charter Schools in Mesa az

  Charter schools in mesa az  count on student counseling support as an accompanying tool that aims to train the student as a person capable of functioning in its socio-cultural environment. The counselor is prepared to deal with issues relevant to life, in order to contribute to a comprehensive education centered on the person and that responds to the demands of today's society. We cannot deny that society experiences difficult situations that are evidenced in risk factors for childhood and adolescence and that can affect their full and integral development, where these make them have a low academic performance. What Benefits Does The Counseling Offer? The student counseling program offers support to students to provide relevant support to the different student’s needs, be these academic and/or personal. This personalized attention is of the type: ·  Confidential: This means that no one else will know what the student is going through. ·  Respectful: the counselor will listen care

Charter Schools: Answering To The Most Common Questions Frequently Asked

We are aware that there are still many doubts about charter schools; therefore, from Charter High Schools in Mesa  we join to collaborate to clarify the concerns that parents may have so keep reading! Who is Welcome in a Charter School? All parents who want their children to receive the type of education that the charter school offers can sign up and submit their enrollment form, which will then be evaluated. How Do Charter Schools Decide Who To Admit? By law, charter schools cannot discriminate against any student. However, the law also allows them to use a screening process to choose who to admit. These schools are not required to accept all students who enroll. I. e., if the number of students enrolling exceeds the capacity that the school has, the charter school, unlike the traditional public school, does not have the obligation to admit students on a first-come, first-served basis. If the number of students enrolling exceeds the school's capacity, the Education Code states tha